
Women BIG

Are ready to step up and into your personal and professional power?

Whether it’s eworkshops, webinars, individual coaching, women’s initiatives, group and/or conference workshops and retreats, mastermind groups, discussion circles, laser sessions, organizational assessments or consulting, Braithwaite Innovation Group provides innovative and results-oriented content geared for women in business, do so for firms ranging in size from mega to entrepreneurial.

Our BIG programs are relevant, intensive, and invigorating. They've been created and are facilitated by professional, academic and executive women (and men) who have walked the walk. Our work combines connection and learning.

  • We provide opportunities for you to share your story as well c onnect with women thought leaders and be inspired by their groundbreaking work.
  • Interact with women entrepreneurs who are following their dreams.
  • Meet women who devote their lives to giving back and helping others fulfill their dreams.
  • Learn from experts on communication, leadership and a whole host of other subjects relevant to women in business today.

Leadership is influence and influence is power. With women holding less than 3% of the CEO positions in Fortune 500 companies and only 5% of the clout positions (Chair, CEO, COO, President, Senior EVP, EVP) in all businesses*, there's an obvious need for more women in positions of power. Recent research* shows that organizations with increased numbers of women in management create one-third more revenue than organizations with fewer female leaders.

With their skills in collaboration, persuasion, empathy and flexibility, women bring a counterbalance to the hard skills that have been over-valued and over-used in work places, creating the lowest rate of job satisfaction in decades. We believe when women connect strategically, make themselves visible, and adopt broad, inclusive thinking and behaviors, they will then close the gap between where women’s progress into executive positions has been and where it needs to be.

Our powerful programs bring women together to enhance their skills and to build personal networks so they have the requisite knowledge, skills, abilities and support circles to move into those positions of power and transform business culture.

*Catalyst Report, The Bottom Line: Connecting Corporate Performance and Gender Diversity.


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