

Sell BIG

Did you know 60 percent of all CEO's started their careers in sales or marketing? A career in sales can be both financially and personally rewarding. If you are in sales or seeking a career in sales you have come to the right place for help! Get Your BIG On offers multiple ways to help you! We offer an inspirational webinar to help you get inspired or reinspired to sell BIG! Additionally we offer link to top sales training partners so you can add to your sales competencies.

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Selling isn't easy... Need Inspiration? from Get Your Big On on Vimeo.

Sell BIG: Get Your BIG On! Get Inspired!

Are you in sales? or a sales leader? Our motivational webinar is meant to help you regain your sales mojo! If you are a sales leader and your sales staff could use some inspiration this is the webinar for you! Examine how to embrace all it means to be a professional sales person in today's marketplace. Learn about the physiological benefits of winning! Understand the strategic advantage salespeople have in their jobs, their organizations and in life!

Sell BIG: Career Development

Given that we're frequently asked "What do you do" rather than "Who are you," evaluating your career development is an important part of your personal identity. The content of our personal development courses, workshops and coaching includes workplace skills as well as a focus on your overall approach to career plan and life-planning: decision-making, integration of life roles and values.

Sell BIG: Job Searching

Looking for a job in sales? Want to change careers? Rewriting your resume? Let our Human Resource experts help! We'll help you fine tune your job hunting and career building skills. Learn the latest selection strategies employed by Fortune 100 companies. Understand how talent management has changed the way employers hire and recruit. With knowledge of how companies both large and small hire, you'll confidently enter your job search and build your career. We'll connect you to your passion for work and inspire you to excellence.

If you are just entering a career in sales or our a seasoned sales professional, we want to hear from you! Leave us a comment. Tell us what topics you would like to see covered. Share your business challenges with us.  We want to hear from you!


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