
Advertise with Us

Get Your BIG On offers several advertising options to assist you in reaching your target audience. 

Key facts* regarding Get Your BIG On's audience and traffic:

  • Female, ages 35-44, with children, graduate school educated
  • Female, ages 55-64, college educated, browsing from work
  • Traffic rank is in the top 2% of all websites 
  • Time on site is typically 22 minutes
  • Page views per user range from 4 to 10

*Source:  Alexa

Ad Types

We offer three ways to advertise on our site: Target, Classified and Business Directory ads

  1. Target. These ads appear on individual targeted pages and align with Get Your BIG On mission, vision and values.  They encourage GYBO patrons to visit your site because of their interest in your topic area, providing you with a highly qualified lead.
  2. Classified. Similar in concept to the classified ad page found in a newspaper. Listings are organized alphabetically by business/service provider name and appear in business card format.
  3. Business Directory. Organized by topic so Get Your BIG On patrons can easily find businesses offering services, products, information, etc., that they seek.

Ad Type


Targeted $100.00 per month
Classified $30.00 per month or $250.00 annually
Business Directory $90.00 annually

Ad Sizes

Rectangle : 240px wide x 180px high

Mini Banner : 595px wide x 90px high

Ad Specs

  • Ads must be submitted as jpg or pdf files
  • Ads must be 72 dpi and the pixel size which corresponds to the ad size purchased
  • Ads are purchased in the GYBO store. Once purchased, we will contact you for the art
  • Classified ads appear in business card format (240 x 180 pixels)
  • Ad content is approved by Get Your BIG On to ensure quality and appropriateness

Customized marketing and advertising opportunities

For larger media across our site as well as social media exposure or being featured as a spotlight, let us customize a marketing campaign for you.  We can help you with creative ways to market your product or services to our community of seekers and solvers and can tailor a package to meet your needs. Click here to schedule time to speak with the BIG team.

Purchase an Ad

Click here to place and purchase your ad.


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