
Amy Diederich’s career includes an impressive list of positions held in corporate America, yet she describes herself first and foremost as an entrepreneur and inventor! The daughter of a prolific inventor (Amy’s father holds over 20 patents, including ground breaking work that allowed for the mass production of Braille), she started inventing at an early age. Her first lemonade stand boasted orange lemonade – a distinctive and tasty combination of lemons and tangerines! Encouraged by her father to see the world through an inventor’s eyes, Amy views the world with a unique perspective that allows her to see opportunities that others may see as unconventional. When just an undergraduate student herself, she was asked to teach Communication 101 – to her fellow students. This role helped Amy realize that the rest of the world could benefit from an inventor’s mindset. Amy sees every opportunity as novel, whether it’s learning to climb telephone poles while in her first real job as a management trainee for Ameritech or more recently in creating the international quality program for Vonage. Her open and curious mind enables Amy to see beyond what is known. As the founder of A-Squared Consulting and now President of the Braithewaite Innovation Group, she has led many successful projects in multiple fields. True to her inventor’s mindset, she will skip over the boundaries between distinctly separate occupations, seeing the unique connection that no one else sees or envisions.  Amy has served as a lead training consultant and call center director for Comcast  and a national quality consultant for Adelphia. Amy’s gift is her ability to help others discover new ways of thinking as well as taking materials, processes or tools from one realm and using them as no one else has imagined in a totally different realm. She can’t wait to help you see a new possibility, a new connection or relationship that will spark the next great invention.

One Response to “About”

  1. A rolling stone is worth two in the bush, tahkns to this article.

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