A Live BIG Lesson Yesterday was a very bad day. It was one of those days where everything went wrong. I was late for a meeting. I conducted a training session that did not go well. My kids were home sick and I had to work. I am ashamed to say I took my bad [...]

Innovative Entrepreneur Greg Sanchez

Meet Greg Sanchez, Founder of bConcerned.com, a free dating safety tool that monitors your safe return home! I am always amazed at how the internet has created so many new business ideas. Greg’s site is both a product of how dating has changed the internet as well as being an internet based business. Raped, stalked, [...]

Meet Ken Bator- Get Your Big On Expert

Ken Bator, Founder BTC Inc.  http://btcinc.net [email protected] 714-681-BTC1 Ken Bator has over two decades of experience in helping businesses make money, save money, and just plain surviving. As a management and marketing expert he has served as an executive of three different organizations throughout the country and has assisted many small to medium-sized businesses to [...]

Get Your BIG on Start BIG if you are an entrepreneur and can help read here!

Today I want to tell you about a potential exciting endeavor Start BIG is considering. We have been approached to provide training for female entrepreneurs in Kenya. If you have experience with Kenya and entrepreneurship I would love to hear from you. I am in the process of creating courses and handouts. I am seeking [...]

Keywords and other curves in the road

I heard a story once about four new mountain bikers. These bikers were learning from fantastic guides. One guide was in the front of the group and another behind the group.  The line of bikers proceeded through a rigorous mountain course. Everything was fine until they approached a narrow path with a sharp turn. The [...]


Service Delivery as Delivering on the Brand Promise According to Webster’s a brand is defined as having a reputation and a loyal following. If you are an entrepreneur brand is something to which you must pay attention! If you are just starting out you need to decide your brand your image. If you are established [...]

Building the Buzz

You have decided to start a business, you are excited about the prospect. You are passionate about your business idea. But there is so much to do. How do you make time to execute your business idea and market your idea at the same time. You may have limited financial resources or the resources you have [...]

Love and Business

Love and Business.

Love and Business

Business and Love Move fast and break things. Unless you are breaking stuff, you are not moving fast enough. Mark Zuckerberg The quote from Mark Zuckerberg leapt of the page for me because last night I broke my website.. well at least the homepage. I found Mark’s quote reassuring as I wait for my webmaster [...]

Penny Wise Pound Foolish

Roni Wilson-Vinson did a great class for my new e-learning site. Her message was about the power of story telling. Reflecting on what are the “stories” that have made a difference in my life as an entrepreneur, one of my favorites is about the deal that got away.  Here is my deal that got away story: I [...]