Leadership Reading Roundup

In our work and research over the past week, the BIG team was drawn to articles about taking stock, being happy, having character and keeping things in perspective. May you be inspired!

Finding Meaning at Work, Even When Your Job Is Dull (Morten Hansen and Dacher Keltner on HBR Blog Network)

Maybe it’s just the time of year for taking stock or there’s some impact from all the end of the world talk because BIG clients are big into searching for meaning. Here’s some thoughts and research about finding meaning at work…when your work is not all that meaningful.

Here are the things that are proven to make you happier (Eric Barker on Barking Up the Wrong Tree)

An inspirational assortment of ways to give yourself permission to be happy. “Thinking happy thoughts, giving hugs and smiling sound like unscientific hippie silliness but they all work.”

How Friendly Should HR Be? (Ian Welsh, Toolbox for HR)

Sometimes there’s lots to be learned from negative role models because things are so wrong on so many levels. The either/or thinking alone in this piece is making our brains (mostly Jane’s) explode.

The Character Based Leader (Michael McKinney on Leading Blog)

Book review: “The greatest threat to any leader comes not from without, but from within. It is who we are, more than anything else, that will derail us. The traits we so value in great leaders is a matter of character. And it is through this character that our leadership is manifested. It creates the space in which we lead.”

Being a Boss isn’t Rocket Science (Wally Bock on Three Star Leadership)

As he always does, Wally beautifully and succinctly goes right to the heart of the matter. “That’s what being a boss is like. Theories are great, but you have a job to do with whatever you’ve got available at the time. That’s engineering, not science.”

Ready to step into your power? “People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don’t believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can’t find them, make them.” ~George Bernard Shaw



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