Leadership Reading Favs

Influence, diversity, inclusion, a-name-for-the-deadbeats-in-a-project-group, and office politics snagged our reading attention this past week and show up in our curated list of reading favs. Enjoy!

Why Inclusion is the New Competitive Business Advantage (Patty Rasmussen, Womenetics)

A great little interview that shreds some good light on how diversity is different from inclusion. “While diversity is certainly linked to inclusion, organizations can be diverse and not inclusive.” Continue reading


Leadership Nuggets (and a cartoon, too)

Developing others and ongoing learning are in our DNA here at Braithwaite, so we’re researching all the time. We see lots of worthy material while doing our work (what a delightful perk!), so we share the highlights via this weekly list — a short-cut to information you may not have the time to look up but might be interested in knowing. Enjoy!

Expanding the Leadership Equation (Ellen Van Velsor, Center for Creative Leadership)

Fascinating white paper outlining what’s happening and what’s needed to equip the next generation of leaders. Continue reading
