Weekly Leadership Reading

Since the team at BIG is perpetually doing research and seeing great articles, we share some of our favorite reading from the past week…enjoy!

14 Ways to Get Breakthrough Ideas (Mitch Ditkoff on The Heart of Innovation)

Looking for inventive people-oriented ways to kick-start the flow of new ideas? Mitch offers up 14 great suggestions.

The Power of Integrity (Andre van Heerdan on Critical Thought)

Very thoughtful piece on how leadership is built on integrity. “What is integrity? Most people say it is ‘honesty’ — being as good as your word. But it is more than that. Integrity is completeness, wholeness, or perfect condition. When something falls apart, it disintegrates.”

23 Things You Could Do Today to Increase Your Influence (Colin Gautrey on Colin Gautrey’s Influence Blog)

As Colin writes,”If you want to become more influential, I always first advise pausing to think — but not for long. Unless you act, the thinking is likely to have been a complete waste of time. So here is something to think about — 23 things in fact. All of them are ideas you could do today to become more influential. The first two are mandatory.”

Bob Sutton’s Good Boss, Bad Boss: A Review. Of the First Page. (CV Harquail, Authentic Organizations)

So compelling, so creative, so rich with possibility! “I’m really stuck on those numbers: 21 million bosses, 21 times X million employees. I think about the potential for positive change that resides in a compelling, fluid, reasonable, well-grounded, realistic book about becoming a better boss.”

The Dangers of Being Smart (Tauriq Moosa on Big Think)

“We forget that learning something new usually means unlearning biases we are probably all born with: thus, (1) if we are smart and (2) haven’t been challenged at vulnerable times, say when we’re younger, on certain entrenched views that many have, then when counter-arguments are presented, the bad beliefs are so tightly knitted due to our being smart that we can’t simply weave a new thread. The previous one, with all its knots and bows, must itself be carefully undone.”

A thought on what we measure and value. “Maybe it’s time we get a toolbox that doesn’t just count what’s easily counted, the tangible in life, but actually counts what we most value, the things that are intangible.” ~Chip Conley



This Week’s Leadership Favs

The Get Your BIG On team’s weekly leadership favorites are an eclectic collection of articles, blog posts, quotes, pod casts and whatever else engaged our interest as we did our work over the past week. Some items are recent, others aren’t. Some are mainstream, others are off the beaten path. Enjoy! Learn, connect and share.

Are You A Power-Poisoned Boss? (Bob Sutton, Fast Company)

The BIG team is fascinated with power and how it all too frequently goes awry. Several of the stories will hopefully make you cringe (provided you haven’t been poisoned with power as Bob calls it).

40 Best Movies to Honor Women’s History Month

March is Women’s History Month. If you’re looking for a unique way to celebrate it, grab some popcorn and wine and sample 40 movies by, for and about women. (Lots of other interesting lists on this site, too.)

Old School Persuasion Tools You Learned, But Should Never Use (Persuasive.net)

If your efforts at persuading others are falling short, perhaps you’re guilty of committing one (or more) of the four erroneous practices described here that derail your ability to influence others.

Take 5: Why Men Should Care (Catalyst)

“Seventy-four percent of the men Catalyst interviewed in their Engaging Men in Gender Initiatives series identified fear and apathy as barriers to supporting gender equality.” Here they look at five reasons why men have a lot to gain and nothing to fear from equality.

Conforming to the Norm (Psyblog)

Ever wonder why most people join in and ignore the obvious and well-known elephant in the room? Read some science behind why “many people find their inability to conform is a real problem in their lives while others find it more difficult to break away and do their own thing.”

Fixing Your “Boss Problem” with Self-Supervision (Dawn Lennon, Business Fitness)

If you’re in the half of workers who have a problem boss whom you can’t trust, you might find a tip or two here for managing yourself to help you deal with the situation.

Rethink, reframe, renew. “I wanted a perfect ending. Now I’ve learned, the hard way, that some poems don’t rhyme, and some stories don’t have a clear beginning, middle and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what’s going to happen next.” ~Gilda Radner

